Been such a while, since I had a H!P post. =D
Yay~ <3
Anyways, lovely Hello!Blog's H!P Member Poll 2010 was finally released~
And I wanna say some things, mostly just pointing out some things. =3
(And to see if anyone can tell how much my impression on things change, once I vote!)
Okay, the groups vs groups, first, 'cause they're easier:
Momusu - Yay! Though not that surprised, I'm still glad.
B!K - Sadly, though there songs seem to be getting more enjoyable, I still wouldn't have them as 2nd Place. But I know that it's a fan favourite, so I can't say I wasn't surprised.
C-ute - I can't believe they beat Buono! Most of their singles are highly unfair in lyric distributions, so I was estimating that they'd come closer to last. I'm happy, though, since I can't seem to dislike any of their songs.
Buono! - With three of the most popular juniors (age-wise) and really fair lyric distributions, I thought they'd beat C-ute and not Momusu or B!K. That's pretty much it.
S/Mileage - Heh. Everyone pretty much seems to not care so much, by this point. I already knew they'd make it to the lower-portion of the votes and am glad that they beat a group that have people with more fans. I'm hoping that they'll be liked, with more songs released.
ManoEri - Sad, but nowhere near surprise. She ranked low in pretty much everyone's member votes, so why should she rank any higher as a group (Soloist)? XD
Guardians4 - Well, I'm hoping that they'll be taken off the "Group" list on H!P's site, as well as Shugo!Chara EGG (which I adore), since they're no longer being used--Shugo Chara! ended a while ago. Their songs are nice, though the combination isn't that good. Even the Hello!Blog dude knew they'd stand no chance. XD
Okay, onto Individual Members~
(For most, I wonder if I can find something to say!)
Aichan - Fan-fave. After I voted, I began to notice her charm. Most likely 'cause her make-up changed from "thin-face" to "healthy tone"! But her poses are really annoying, with the head-neck thing she's taken a liking too. Because of that, I'd never have her in the TOP 5! 'cause I really hate that pose.
Erin - Totally fine with this, since she can sing. Her charm is always nice, so personality is fine with me, as well.
Reina - Not surprising, though several people don't seem to like her; "attention whore". I like Reina, just... not TOP 5-material. Her singing is distinct and when she tries, she hits what she needs to. She lets her personality shine through her voice, which is what I love when done. (I like singing with personality, more-so than staged-emotions~)
Niigaki - I'm happy that her fanbase is still so strong, though there were so many upset about her hair! I never thought her hair was "bad", since it was just clean cut and needed to grow a tad, in order to look nice. If anyone has paid attention, she does look a gazillion times better, now, than when it was just cut. (Not because it's slightly longer, but because it's grown to its proper shape/frame!)
Sayumin - Her personality always PWNS everyone. Her vocals are getting so much better! Her signature-voice (her squeaks after every syllable) is kinda annoying and I hope that she'll stop using it so much, so that her voice can improve quicker. I'd like her to use it, just, like, you know: NOT EVERYTIME. Other than that, I adore her. Her pitch is nice and she tries so hard. It's a nice change of pace, for Momusu.
Momo - Fan-fave. I love her mature-voice, detest her "cute"-voice. I can't even say cute, I have to say "cute". That's how much I detest it. I adore her in Buono!, as she rarely uses her super "cute"-voice and uses her mature-voice more often. In B!K, she's super annoying, 'cause it's super "cute" time! Her personality is adorable, but if she keeps her "cute"-voice, she'll never make this ranking in my votes.
Jun - Yay, a Panda made it! Not so surprising, since she seemed very high in a lot of votes, from what I saw. Her voice is still in need of improvement, for me to go "yay, pretty voice" instead of "yay, Jun-Jun", but I'm sure she'll be a gazillion times better next year. Well, if Tsunku and the rest of H!P staff gives her more lines, so that she has a reason to. She seems like the type to do a certain level, according to expectation, which is why I said that. But I like that about her, because her personality is win.
Captain - Hah, she beat most of B!K! I like how she's such a fave, yet she's not promoted so much. If the other ("popular") members were treated like her, I think I'd like them just as much as I do Captain! Captain's personality is darling and I cannot hate her. I find that her change in singing is kinda annoying, but she has only started using it recently. I think that she'll be singing how she wants, soon, since she's getting better at it.
Airi - Fan-fave. I can't blame any sort of Airi Love. According to what Hello!Blog had said, about where she was last year's 2nd place... can't be surprised. Her Airi-single pretty much ruined C-ute's fanbase, so I doubt people would support her so much after that. If she were to graduate from C-ute, though their sales would probably drop for a [long] while, I'd support her so much more. She is better in Buono! and would make a fine Soloist. I'm waiting for her day to shine alone, though I think she loves her fellow members. (I'm kinda feeling bad, since I think she really loves being in C-ute, but I want her to leave...)
Miya - Fan-fave. Honestly, I don't really like her. She sings so much better, after having been in Buono! (she has more depth to her voice!), but... ja, I can't like her. She looks so fake (her face is plastic; not literally!), in photos, so I don't think she tries as hard as she should be. I think she believes that her fanbase will never deter, but that's just how I perceive her. In reality, I really can't imagine how she is. She seems nice, but I don't think I'd like her. So, overall, I really don't like Miya.
Lin - I was really hoping for her to in the TOP 10, at least. Well, 11th Place is close enough! She has the most talent in H!P, in my opinion. When she sings childish songs, her voice can be annoying, so if that's the reason that she's so low in votes... Won't be surprised, since she goes a tad too childish in MiniMoni and in Guru Guru Jump. Her personality seems to be overshadowed, so I would like it, were she promoted more. But she's my fave H!P member, so I wonder how much that affects how I perceive her; I think I'm pretty neutral, in this.
Chii - Happy that someone who has so many fans, where I hang, made it in an overall ranking so high~ Her voice is technically weak, but she never gives up and can hit what she needs to. Her smile is always genuine. When the Korean Winner was declared, she was the only one that actually seemed happy for the girl! (I saw a photo of the announcement/when the girl got the bouquet.) I just adore her personality, since she's naturally so bubbly and seems like a great friend.
Kumai - Though I wish her singing was smoother, it is a nice change from the rest of the members when the others aren't, like, Chisa and Erin. Then, the change is too drastic, making her sound bad. In the ende, I like her. Not that much, but a lot more than the next Place:
Maimi - Fan-fave. Her voice... She can't sing C-ute songs, so I want her to stop with them. She cannot reach the high-notes and becomes all nose when she needs to hit them. I hate her voice, when it's nasally. When it's not, I like it. Overall, I'd like her to become a Soloist. Her solo songs are darling and no one can sing them the same way (though, in the recently released H!P concert, she was PWND by two other members). I think she's sorta like Miya, where she doesn't think that her fanbase will deter. Well, at least her face ain't as plastic!
Risako - Fan-fave. Kinda glad that she didn't make it so high! I'd like her to have more facial expressions, though whatever she does, she's always so beautiful! I can't win, in deciding how much I like or dislike her. At times, I find her so irritating, then I adore her. Maybe as her cognition matures, I'll be able to decide. She is the youngest in a relatively olde group (B!K is closer to their 20's, than C-ute), so I'll let her get away with some suggestive-ish poses. Her cognition might have matured differently, were the group younger in age as a whole, so I'll just let circumstance deal with how I perceive her.
Mittsi - I like her, but not as much as several members that Placed lower than her. I like her, since she's so silly and acts childish [in a positive, super-cute way]. Her voice is also pretty refined, though not perfect, so I like that about her, as well.
Maasa - So sad! I wonder if it was her weight-change that altered any opinions on her, or if she was always placed about here. In any case, I find her overshadowed too much. I would like her to soften her voice, on some songs, though. Her voice is strong, but that can be a negative if it can't be soft.
Nakky - Okay, I understand. She is beautiful and is an optimistic and over-achieving member, but her voice hadn't matured as much as most hoped/thought it would. I understand her Placement. I like her, since she never falters in her lines, as most other H!P members do, and she can dance so well.
Chisa - Really sad. With Chisa, she often battles in my affection towards Maasa (at times, I prefer one, then the other, and so-on), so the fact that she's not so far from Maasa makes me happy. But like with Maasa, I'm sad that her talents are also overshadowed. She has a really average face and she's starting to not go with her initial image ("tomboy") and is becoming girlie, as she matures. Which is fine, because she
is in that stage of girlhood. Her voice, at times, is so much better than Airi's, so I always hope that she'd be given more lines. Which is why I was so ecstatic, when she got Megumi's lines in Wakkyanai (Z)~
Yuukarin - Can't compete with members that are years her seniors (well, minus one). She was really loved, since the first EGGS concert (where Mittsi, Kanna, and JunLin participated in). She is so adorable! I can't really understand her personality, but she is just starting out as a full-pledged member and is still nervous. She seems really strong and, according to Kanyon's blog, she's very forgetful. Which just adds to her adorableness. In my opinion, as well as most's, her ranking isn't too surprising.
MaiMai - I was surprised that someone in H!P for so long was beat by a newbie member. I guess she was out-C-ute. Anyway, I like MaiMai, though her posture seems pretty bad. (Anyone that watches her perform should understand what I mean!) I don't know if she has a back issue, but I do know that he holds-back her singing. (Hunching-over does affect voice.) I like how she's maturing beautifully, though I can still see her cognitive level (she still acts her age, though she tries not to). and it makes her adorable. I can't wait to see how she'll be, when older~
Kanyon - I ranked her really high, but I fear that most who did had done it due to her resemblance to Aibon... Which, although I notice it, is not what I'm drawn to. I really adore her voice and her personality, although I only can catch a glimpse of it. She is unique, compared to Aibon. Her haircut's annoying, though. Not 'cause it's short, but because of its style. On anyone, it looks bad, so I'm sad that Kanyon went with it.
Mano - Her confidence is building, along with her vocals, so I'm hoping that she'll rank at least one spot higher by next year! The first impression she gave... was really bad: the song, her low confidence level, and her vocals. She really has affected how everyone perceives her. For those that gave her a chance, such as me, like her. For those that didn't, they want her gone. She really has improved immensely, since her first Indie, so I'm sad that no one notices it that much. In my opinion, were Mano to stop using her piano, she'd be able to showcase it better. She tries to match the piano's tones, making her voice not as pleasant since it's not her natural tone. I realized that, when she sang one of Goto's songs in her first concert! (Along with other songs, but that was the most obvious.)
DAWA - Sad that she beat someone with better vocals, glad she didn't beat Mano. Her voice's charm is getting to me, due to Lilpri. At first, I thought she really couldn't sing and was just an annoyance. But, in reality, she can sing and it's just her charm that gives the illusion that she can't. Which is sorta sad, but she is getting better at singing, so I'm sure I'll like her vocals really soon. I just can't think of her as a good match for S/mileage, though. Her pitch is too high, compared to the others, and throws the feel off. Other than that, she's a great live performer and I will like to see her personality more. Her confidence is building, since I can tell the uniqueness of her voice, which I couldn't before her Debut.
Sakicchi - I ranked her relatively high, so of 'course I'm saddened by how she ranked Last. I understand though, since she was popular mostly just in the EGG concerts and didn't get as much publicity as the other S/mileage members had outside of that. She is a prodigy, from what I've seen (from the way earlier EGG concerts), and am surprised that it hadn't affected her placement. She did have a trio song, with Lin and Airi, so that adds to my surprise. Well, I'm sure that she'll get more votes, next year. At least more than DAWA, I'm hoping!
In the ende, the results were as surprising as most would've thought.
I pretty much understand the overall preferences, which mostly contradict with mine.
Sure, I'm sad when those I ranked high had placed rather low, and those I ranked low placed really high.
But since I already knew that the fan-faves would instantly be in the first-half of the rankings, or rather high, I'm really not that surprised.
The only thing that surprised me were how much those not a fan-fave had ranked.
Some really did beat fan-faves, so I was actually glad.
(It's sad if preferences remain still!)
S/mileage and ManoEri didn't really stand much a chance.
(Though, Yukkarin did beat MaiMai, which really shocked me!!)
S/mileage is still new and Debut this month.
Mano gave herself a horrid first impression and it's still in affect.
Next year, I'm seeing them all liked more, but can't see Mano ranking any higher than a spot up.
(I'm a pessimistic-optimist.
Meaning that I already can judge how things might go, based on current conditions and not my own beliefs.)
Next year, I'm curious if anyone will beat Aichan!
The only way I can see that, as of now, is if she were to Graduate.
That's not likely, so maybe in a couple of years? XD