Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I really want to update this Blog with some cute pictures.
But I can't.
I lost track of where my SD card went.

I don't have a cellphone, so having one with a camera ain't possible.
But if I did...
I'd update this blog with some cute pictures~

Hopefully, I can find it.
(My SD card!)
So I can take it and my camera to school and get plenty of pictures!!

I really want to take silly pictures with my friends~
But I'm shy in front of the camera...
And my friends know that I dislike it...

Perhaps, after I start getting used to it (a camera)...
I'd be able to do what I want!
Taking pictures with my friends and such, I mean.

'til then, I'll merely have text...
And some random stuff, as always.
I want my blog to be a place where I can state all that I want to, as well as a place to update with some interesting events!

I don't think I've completed the second-half.
Well, I'm not too olde (18!)...
I guess I have enough time to achieve it~


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