Alright, has anyone read that article (it's one of Yahoo!'s).
Yes, it's a case of Abandonment and Neglect [to an extent] filled to the brim with testimonies!
The only proof given was the note, for the most part. Then a bunch of "he did this and this" and "she did this and this".
This makes both sides totally justified.
In truth, only one thing is able to be criticized.
The woman's "return" of the boy.
She had her mother go with him to Washington, then board a plane and be watched by a Stewardess. Once he arrived in Russia, there was supposed to be a man (paid) to escort the boy to his destination.
(The article did not even mention if the paid man actually did what he was paid to do, but I guess he did.)
Now, how many humans in this world, regardless of nationality and culture and all that jazz, would just take the money and run? Plenty.
No mention on if the paid man was in any sort of relation to the woman means that she accepted a stranger's promise (as nothing was said about this, it can only be assumed). This, even as a new parent, is an idiotic thing to do and is practically neglect!
Okay, the kid arrives. Where's the paid man?
Okay, the kid arrives and the paid man is there. Why didn't the kid arrive to his destination?
(Plenty of scenarios could happen, with such circumstances!)
Also, I would like to add in that there was no mention of any attempt to "help" the kid. You know... a Psychiatrist?
Any sane American would be glad to try one out, even if just for some Medications to help calm the kid down.
I cannot say that she did not try this method, but as it was absent from the article, I assume she didn't. (But if she did, then this point can be ignored.)
I would like to seriously hit people that keep claiming "What's wrong with American Orphans?", etc., etc.
Um, hello~?
American Adoption Agencies are practically the hardest thing to use. Loopholes, money requirements, family requirements, etc.
You can't got to some American Orphanage, see a kid you like, and then just take him/her home. You have to wait years before the chance even happens.
Better yet, the kid could be 15 when you met him and it takes 4 years to be able to adopt him. What happens to the now-adult? He's not even taken care of by the Orphanage, by then.
When compared to the ease of adopting from Foreign Adoption Agencies, it's better to just adopt a foreign kid. The kid will no matter what have some sort of Psychological Disorder!
Here are a bunch of things that can cause a disorder, in this case:
~ Condition that the Biological Mother was in during the Pregnancy and-or Birth of the child
~ Condition of the child's environment before being adopted
~ When and-or how the child was put up for adoption
~ Biological Reasons (such as a naturally-violent child, naturally-shy child, etc.)
~ A drastic change in environment (it's a dang foreign kid, for crying out loud!)
Okay, that list is not a lot. However, the things listed can be broken down into several other possible causes (at least one or them).
But it is to basically just show that there are ways for a Psychological Disorder could occur, in an adoptive child. (It also applies to American Orphans, as well!)
Now, let's try to see if we can classify the child's behavior as a disorder, based on the article and its testimonies.
MUDA time!
(M = Maladaptive; U = Unjustifiable; D = Disturbing; and A = Atypical.)
Maladaptive ~ destructive to one-self or others
The child hit, spat, etc. to the woman.
Unjustifiable ~ without a rational basis
The child caused physical harm to the woman. The woman also did harm to the child. If so, one or both could be the reason that the abuse continues. What could have been a hit out of silliness (you should understand what I meant by that!) could have just continued until it became violent.
It also could be a child's behavior where he wants more attention or a different form of it. He might be testing the woman.
(On the woman's defense, she could have been disciplining the child. A child generally does not know why he is hit, especially when it's someone new or the reasoning is new.)
Disturbing ~ troublesome to others
The child drew the house on fire and threatened the woman.
Atypical ~ not the ordinary for culture or environment
(This is where I cannot say much on, as I am American and despite my Russian Ancestors, I do not know its culture and environment. Especially of modern times.)
The child is thrown into a new environment and culture (America) and perhaps it is customary for him to not act afraid. What he did could simply be common for the children where he came from (Russia and-or the Russian Orphanage). He was expected to be an "American Child" once he came to America.
So, he only had 2.5/4 of the criteria (MUDA) met.
In order for it to be a disorder, he must meet all four (seriously).
As he did not, one could not merely say that he had a Disorder, based upon the article's testimonies.
Did he have a Disorder, or some sort of Mental Illness?
However, one had not been described, even through testimonies.
So, he did not act like the typical "American" kid.
So what? Some American kids do act like that, but grow out of it (usually).
Even if she was afraid, she could have easily asked for a prescription, for the child, to help either calm his nerves or to think positively or something. Then, wait it out.
If it does not improve: Provide an actual "return" out of care, not fear.
(AKA: Call the Russian Adoption Agency, explain, see if something can be worked out in order to assure the child's safety, and then act upon the "return".)
Overall, I would sue the woman for abandonment and neglect [to an extent]. =P
But the proof for that would not be enough to prosecute her, so I wouldn't. XD
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