These are my votes, as well as my [cheap] reasoning.
Note: I think I like some members just 'cause they seem like the type that I could rely on. Especially with Mittsi. XD
01 - Lin-Lin ~ I just adore her and her personality. I also adore her vocals, which are highly under-rated.
02 - Jun-Jun ~ Same as with Lin-Lin, but I do wish her voice was a tad clearer at times.
03 - Kanyon ~ Awesome voice~ At first, I barely noticed her. But I was able to recognize her due to her unique face... which also made me realize that she is similar to Aibon, in appearance. But I do prefer Kanyon to Aibon (voice-wise, mind you!), so that is not my reason for her placement.
04 -Maasa ~ I love her~ At times, I would like her to have a softer voice, though... I love how strong it is and I adore it when I hear it, but it would be interesting to hear her sing softly during certain songs.
05 - Chisa ~ Yay~ At times, she has the best voice in C-ute; especially during their karaoke segment on that one DVD-thing (The only DVD thingy I've watched, 'sides the Alo Hellos). She seems to be maturing, as can be seen through her added femininity. Which is good, because I think people will start seeing her as "Chisato" instead of "the tomboy". But her tomboy look was cute, so I always enjoy it when she's dressed as such~
06 - Captain ~ Her voice has changed, recently... I don't know if I like it better, but it seems that it's easier for her to sing most songs with it. But I do like her personality and... aura? She makes me feel like I can rely on her, no matter what~
07 - Sakicchi ~ She is pretty much a prodigy, it seems. But that's alright, because I enjoy her voice and personality (in her voice, mostly). I always love her solos.
08 - Mittsi ~ Her voice is consistent and her smiles are always so darling. But I think I preferred her voice when she debuted (first concert, I mean), since it seemed more natural--but that might've been 'cause it was Yossie's Graduation concert... Otherwise, she seems like she'd be a good mom.
09 - Sayumin ~ I love how she always does her best! However, although it can be cute at times, she overdoes her "Sayumi"-voice (the squeaks at practically the ende of each line). If it weren't for that, she would probably be #6.
10 - Nakky ~ Yes, because her personality is good. And her voice is always consistent. Though, I do find her pitch annoying at times, I do like how it suits whatever she sings. She seems to know her limits, which is admirable.
11 - Airi ~ I love how her voice has become. And, yes, I know she was a prodigy. That was probably why she used to be my favorite member just as I started H!P. But I do not think that she is as great as H!P advertises her, since... ja, to be honest, I just think she's over-advertised.
12 - Chii ~ I love it when she smiles--especially fully! She also seems like someone that could befriend anyone. Especially quiet people, making everyone true to themselves~
13 - Erin ~ I like how her voice is very sweet sounding. As well as her personality. She always give-off a big-sister vibe, to me~
14 - Momo ~ Alright, Momo is a hit-or-miss. When she uses her super-"cute" (which is actually annoying) voice, such as during Gag100, I detest her. But when she sings with her Buono!-voice--especially during her solo Jiriri Kiteru!--I adore her. But I do like her stubborn-self, when it comes to the who's the cutest~
15 - Tanaka ~ Her character is interesting. What I probably like is just that. Her voice generally shows the same personality, so... it can sometimes be overdone. Since she has a high-pitched voice.
16 - MaiMai ~She is growing-up! I feel so reminiscent when I see her, especially when Bye!x3 came-out. She really does not fit her age, even personality-wise. I don't really know why I like her, as much as I do.
17 - Mano ~ I like how her voice continues to improve. It may be due to how many performances she has or how many singles she comes-out with per year, but this year, her voice is on a totally different level. I'm excited to hear her, since the day that she surpasses everyone's expectations is not as far as it seemed since her first Indies Single!
18 - Kumai ~ I think she would be a better model, than singer, to be honest. But I do love how she makes me feel, when I listen to her. Can't explain it, but her voice makes me happy~
19 - Risa ~I... I'm fine with her hair, once it grew a tad (as most hair needs to do, in order to suit the person, no matter who you are). What I probably don't like is how she doesn't get treated as good a singer as she is, so I never really get to hear her properly enough to judge her. But she has a great personality, as I've seen in Concerts. (I didn't like her in Shiroi Tokyo, though...)
20 - Yukkarin ~She has a great voice, but I think it's too childish-sounding. I think I will like her better, as S/mileage releases more singles, since I have begun to grow fond of it. (I remember being scolded for not liking her, since I didn't like how childish she sounded... that made me think that some fans need to understand preferences.) She is also super cute and knows what she's doing, so I will support her. Uh, not money-wise, as I have no money.
21 - DAWA ~ She is actually super cute. But I think her shoulders are too long for her frame. Which is fine, since she will most likely grow into it, as she ages. I think that I like how she, although I do not really enjoy her voice, does her best with a cute confidence.
22 - Risako ~ I... find it awkward how she's, like, 16-ish and acts as though an adult. That would be fine, IF she did not come-off as a "slut" in lots of her [recent] pictures... It's as though she either has no clue that it's a tad inappropriate for her age, or that she is not as innocent as she's supposed to be... Her voice is quite nice, though, as she improved in years with consistency. And she is beautiful~
23 - Aichan ~I like how she has been able to handle being the leader of MM, but... recently, whether due to health issues or make-up style, she looks like she's suffering both Insomnia and Anorexia. Hopefully, it's due to her losing baby fat and that she is still healthy. But I do like how her voice can match whatever style handed to her. She's a really talented singer, but at times... I think she'd be better as a Soloist, merely because she practically already is one. I think I'd like her more, were she not a Soloist in disguise!
24 - Miya ~ I may like her style of singing, but I did grow tired of how her voice itself is barely any different than when she debuted. That's pretty much it. I also hate it when they give her extensions, since it's too obvious, for her! I think Buono! has helped her, with me liking her voice, especially since I like it when the three are in Buono!
25 - Maimi ~ I like how her voice is unique. I hate how she cannot sing a high-pitched song without becoming all nasally. I don't know why and don't really care. All I really see in her is a pretty face, which makes me sad. Sadder, I don't really find her remotely interesting. Maybe if she became strictly a soloist, I'd like her much better. I can't find her suitable for C-ute...
1 - Momusu ~ Pretty much because they have the greatest variety in songs and their songs are always lovely to hear. (Minus Resonant Blue, as that one solely relies on vocals. Which is a positive, but not when the instrumental turns me off.) I do adore the generations, as it brings different types of everyday members (generally) into the group. I am eagerly awaiting for the group to let 8 Gen sing, like, more than one solo line more often, as they can all manage it.
2 - C-ute ~ Line distribution has been failing... I can barely stand Maimi and Airi duets for A-tracks. But it has some very good vocals and since there are less members, I'm hoping that they will be able to become more fair in line distribution. This is pretty much where I wish Airi would leave C-ute and concentrate on Buono!... (Her fanbase is too large for the others to even dream of competing against!) But other than that, each A-track is superb, so I adore them. I also like how they've been maturing in musick, as it shows that they are no longer, like, 10.
3 - Buono! ~ I really want Miya, Momo, and Airi to debut from Berryz! and C-ute and concentrate on this group. Here, the line distributions are fair and everyone gets their chance to shine. If they left Berryz! and C-ute, for Buono!, I'd be so proud!
4 - Mano Erina ~ With each single, she improves. I cannot hate that, nor even ignore it. I find that she will probably be more appealing, once she gains her footing as a Soloist. She didn't really have much experience, outside of EGGS Concerts and Ongaku Gatas, so she might still be feeling new to her position.
5 - S/Mileage ~ I am so excited that they got to debut! They probably will beat Mano, in ranking, once they get more songs. I like how even the line distribution is, as well as how all four are talented in vocals.
6 - Berryz!Koubou ~ I... never was that fond over this group. Maybe because the members I don't like as much are always the main vocals. I seem to like some songs, but not enough to be as dedicated. During their concerts, I tend to get kind of bored...
7 - Guardians4 ~ I'm a tad concerned as to why this group was in the poll, without Shugo Chara! EGG... but regardless, I don't find the songs interesting enough to actually prefer it over another group.
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