Sunday, August 8, 2010

9th Generation Auditions

First off, BOO~
Make the limit 20, or even 19! Gone and ruined my chance, just by a year XD
(I'm 18 1/2, now)

Erin, Jun, and Lin are graduating.

Fear my editing prowess of loserville!! (Erin gets a different cap 'cause she's not a foreign exchange member)

This leaves Aichan, Niigaki, Sayumin, Reina, and Mittsi:

Personally, I see this as a great loss for Momusu. No, not because Lin's leaving (She's my favourite H!P member), but because this leaves three members that aren't that good at singing.
Aichan and Niigaki have the singing prowess to help keep Momusu stable. However, Reina ruins it with her personality-instead-of-skill voice [a lot, in concerts] while Sayumin and Mittsi are still in need of improvement.
Mittsi just needs more experience and some strengthening, while Sayumin needs major strengthening and departure from her overuse of her signature singing.

In all truth, I would've preferred Aichan and Niigaki to leave instead of Erin, Jun, and Lin. But since Erin's doing it for her health, I'd still let her leave. I would prefer to have Jun and Lin remain. Why?
In my mind, I was waiting for Aichan and Niigaki to graduate! They have a large fanbase and great vocals, so they could easily do well outside of Momusu. Jun and Lin don't have that (Lin has the voice, Jun needs some more training), and they will have to work even harder to get a much larger Chinese fanbase.
That, and I selfishly wanted Lin to stay longer and didn't think of anyone other than Aichan and Niigaki to leave~ XD

So, in case anyone's still reading: It was bound for Jun and Lin to return to China. They're the "foreign exchange members" and, like all foreign exchange programmes, they have to return sometime. In this case, three-or-whatever years. Be grateful for that!


Now, about the Auditions for Gen. 9:

This will let people shut up about there never being any auditions after so many years, as well as letting me [and other fans that came after Gen 8 was mostly adjusted; Mikan, for me] experience the main characteristic of Momusu: Generations.

I've seen the generations come-and-go only because of Singles and some concerts. I never got to experience any newbies being introduced in the moment, and only saw Koha (and Erika from 'C-ute) graduate. Now, I'll get the chance to see a fresh face-or-two that will hopefully be able to sing and has a fresh personality! And despite being depressed for Lin to be leaving, at least this lets Momusu not remain as I would hate it to~
I'm also hoping that other than the Audition Winners, Tsunku will be really generous and let an EGG-or-two get to join the generation! Not likely, but it'd be really touching to see that he's not a waste.

Ah, but I'm still annoyed that the limit to audition is 10-17. I'm 18.5, so my hopes for even auditioning for Momusu died. However, there's no actual limit for EGGS, though it's supposedly around 25. If I train my vocals, Japanese, and lose some weight... I'll have a chance <3
As long as there's no limit or race-requirement. I'll give up on ever being a member of H!P (EGGS), by 24-25 <3>

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