Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Don't judge him, as a President, 'til after he's done~
(You can judge him as a Person, though!)

If you need a reason, look at Lincoln.

Most of the South hated him.
He took away free workers (Slaves).
He imprisoned Anti-Lincoln Maryland Citizens (D.C. would've been taken over, had he not done that).
And he started a WAR.

In the ende, I think it was all worth it.
We have less Racism, no Slaves (legally), and lots more Equality.
But, if you imagine how everyone felt about Lincoln during his Presidency... really!
Pretty much the same way that Anti-Obama's do.

Americans don't like change.
Even if the change is necessary, they don't want to try.
And they blame those who made the changes.
Even if they needed it.

Now, I don't know whatever changes Obama has helped make or is planning to make, but I do know that it all matters in the long-run.
Even if the Health Care Reform is actually for the better, if you think it's gonna lead us to our own demise: It will.
(If everyone thinks of it as such, everyone will treat it as such, and then it will become as such.)

If you don't try, you won't learn.
If you don't give a chance, you won't learn.
How many of you know that?
By everyone's attitude, it seems like none of you should have been able to pass primary school!

From what I've learned...
It's really, super-duper difficult to do anything if those that are supposed to be helping you are the ones preventing you to do something.
(If you don't understand, just know that one major Party pretty much rejects whatever Obama says, even if they suggested it.)

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