I have a story in mind, which might interest people
(I'm posting more on this, 'cause it'll be long and I feel like CTRL+S-ing a lot)
It's theme:
"Everyone has reasons"
The purpose of this is to have people to understand that Humanity is not as grande as it's made out to be. Humans are different from other species, due to Arrogance (not language--other species use different forms than just sounds!).
And because of that, we cannot understand or even comprehend other methods of life. Not one person shares the exact same culture, values, thought-processes, body growth, and so-on. Because of this, misunderstandings are way too often. But because of Arrogance, the misunderstandings lack an attempt to understand.
Personally, I believe that were Humans capable of losing our Arrogance, we would advance in both Science and Social areas. But because this is impossible, I'd adore it were future generations able to comprehend that not everyone thinks like the other. We are different. Which should be apparent to all, but we all (I do suffer from Arrogance, too, though I try to comprehend others) get so caught up in our beliefs (this does not apply strictly to Religion, idiots!) that we forget that blunt truth.
Now, in my story, I want the reasons to not be blunt. I want people to not enjoy dramatic irony, as there's no point to it. Sure, it's entertaining, but it means little when you rarely experience it in real-life.
I know my story shan't be too realistic, as several things are exaggerated and silly. However, I want the theme to be taken on as though it were (realistic). I want my characters to learn, as well as the readers (and myself, even). I'm just now getting better at that. <3 style="font-weight: bold;">do plan ahead. But because my writing style is advancing, the planning morphs as I go~
I wrote a lot.
Um... The setting takes place mostly... no clue XD
I've been writing more of Ade-concentrated scenes, so it's mostly at her place. It's in the States, at least! (That much I'm sure of) I don't think they'll leave any farther than cities, at most. =3
(For some reason, my paragraph about the primary main protagonists and antagonist got deleted. Dangit--WHY?!)
The other characters... not sure how much screen time I'll give them <3
I suppose it depends on my mood, but most will just be background information for anyone who wants to read [when I upload the dang story]
But I'm sure that the main characters will make enough appearances
(Though, I suppose that matters while I write the dang main story, outside of Ade's life)
I can't think of anything else to discuss XD
So, that's everything that I'll get to
I shouldn't spill it all, or I'm likely to lose too much interest~